Artemis ->
Turn your living room into a spaceship bridge! Take on the jobs of Captain, Helm, Science, Communication, Engineering, and Weapon Control. Operate the ship together, and defend the cosmos from evil aliens.
EmptyEpsilon ->
EmptyEpsilon places you in the roles of a spaceship's bridge officers, like those seen in Star Trek. While you can play EmptyEpsilon alone or with friends, the best experience involves 6 players working together on each ship.
Space Nerds in Space ->
Space Nerds In Space is an open source (GPLv2) cooperative multiplayer starship simulator for linux (may also work on Mac). So go out and get together with a crew of your linux-nerd friends and their computers in a room with a projector or TV, and go forth and explore the galaxy.
Starship Horizons ->
Starship Horizons is a team based multi-player experience that is designed to be played together in person or across the internet online. The players command their own Starship as the bridge officers in the roles of Captain, Flight, Tactical, Science, Operations, and Engineering.
Thorium Nova ->
Thorium Nova is a collaborative game where each player takes the role of a futuristic starship bridge crew member. Each player's job, such as Captain, Navigation, Tactical, Engineer, or Communications, is unique and crucial to the success of the mission.